Player's Guide to RuneSword II - OS: Combat

attributes | skills | combat | worlds


Click an unoccupied place on the combat screen and the character will move there (or as close as her movement range allows).

When you hover the pointer above a foe and the pointer changes to a sword, that means the foe is in range for an attack with your weapon – or your character can move to attack range. So if you click such a foe, your character will move if necessary and then attack.

Dice are usually rolled for damage. A typical long sword does 3d6 (3 six-sided dice) in damage. An arrow does 3d4 damage. For every 3 strength points above 10, the attacker does 1 additional point of damage. Of course, some special weapons also do additional damage.

Action Points and Overswing

All weapons have an Action Point (AP) cost. Typically, a long sword costs 10 AP, a dagger costs 6, a two-handed sword 11, a bow 8, etc. The lower the cost, the more attacks you can get in per turn. Note that even if you lack the AP for an attack, you can still attempt one "overswing" attack before the end of your turn. You simply suffer a to hit penalty that's appropriate for the amount of AP you lack. See the section on Action Points for more info.

And In the Other Hand?

Normally, you can only wield one weapon at a time. Most characters will want to hold a shield in the other hand. Using a two-handed weapon like a bow, however, prevents you from having a shield equipped. Note: Characters with the Ambidex skill are an exception; they can wield two weapons at once.


To end a character’s combat turn before his Action Points are used up, click Defend. This converts leftover AP into a Defense bonus.


Choosing Wait enables you to take delay the rest of the character’s turn to the end of the combat round.


Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. Characters will automatically move along the best route to flee the combat to reach the screen edge (it may take more than one turn of fleeing). Sometimes, the flee attempt fails.

Action Points

Action Points (AP) govern how much a character can do on her turn in combat. AP has no effect outside of combat. AP is the character's experience level plus the average of Strength, Agility, and Intelligence. When AP is used up, the character's turn ends. AP is reset to the maximum at the beginning of a turn.

Action Point Cost (Combat Only)

  • Combat movement costs 1-6 AP per space, depending on Agility.
  • Attacking with a weapon costs the weapon's AP amount. For instance, a typical long sword costs 10 AP to attack, while a dart only costs 5 AP.
  • Using certain skills costs AP. Check the skill description.
  • Casting a spell costs 10 AP.
  • Using an item, like a key, a wand, a lamp, or whatever, costs at least 1 AP.
  • If you’re desperate for protection, you may decide to wear body armor even if you lack the Battle Armor skill. If you do so, you pay an huge AP penalty at the start of your turn.

A typical 1st level character has around 14 AP each combat turn. Most long swords use 10 AP per attack. A dagger uses only 6 AP, while a two-handed battle axe uses 13 AP. Moving costs 4 AP per space for creatures with normal Agility, but a few races have high enough Agility to reduce the movement cost to 3 AP per space.